Potty Training 101 enters its second week today and is going marvelously. Apparently I’m not as “observant” as his saintly babysitter, who can always catch him when he’s starting to poop and run him to the toilet. His favorite line these days is, “Kathy says no poop in a undies!” We’ve had some accidents on that front, but that’s it. He’s woken up every day from his nap with a dry diaper/pull up, and three mornings in a row as well.
For those of you who aren’t parents, and wonder why in the world someone would blog about pooping in the potty (cause believe me – I used to wonder the same thing), you just have to trust me that while you’re going through it, it’s an all consuming part of life, that brings a strange sense of pride to us parents. Sorry if you still don’t get it!
Pardon the kiddie porn, but I couldn't resist!